Monday, July 19, 2010

Back in the hospital! :(

Well I'm back in the hospital. I thought I was done with this place after having Dominic but unfortunately that isn't how things work. I am in the hospital because I have developed a blood clot in my upper left thigh. John and I went for a walk on Friday night with the kids and my leg started hurting. The next day it was still bothering me but I didn't notice any swelling until that night and the fact that my left leg was a different color than my right. I realized this was not a good thing so the next day I noticed the selling was getting worse and it was getting harder to walk so I showed my sister and she went on about this show that she watched and there was a guy who had the same thing and it was a blood clot. We started talking and realized that my mom's brother passed away from a pulmonary embolism. So I decided once John got home from work that I was going to go to the ER and get it checked out. Well my dad ended up taking me b/c John wasn't getting home fast enough. :) John got there and I had an ultrasound done on my leg and that is how they found the clot. They admitted me and wanted me to stay for 5 days. Well as you know I just had a baby and I didn't want to be away from my kids that long so fortunately if all goes well tomorrow I get to go home.I have also been able to keep Dominic in my room with me so that has been really nice. I have to give my self shots of Lovenox 2x a day for 5 days and also take another blood thinner for 6 months. Right now I am on bed rest but tomorrow I should be able to get up and walk around. They are doing blood test on me to see if this is just pregnancy related or genetic. So please pray everything goes well and I get to go home tomorrow!


  1. Aunt Connie & Uncle MikeJuly 20, 2010 at 5:17 AM

    Ashley, We will definitely be praying for fact I prayed for you this morning (guess the Lord knew). Keep us posted
