This is a really hard post for me. As most of you know my Grandpa is very ill with Pulmonary Fibrosis. It is now to the point that when he leaves the house he is confined to a wheel chair and is on oxygen 24/7. The doctors aren't giving him much time and he doesn't think there is much time left either. It was so great to be able to see my grandpa one more time but it was also very hard. It is hard to see someone you love so much go through this. This is a weekend I will never forget. I will take from it so many wonderful memories to cherish! He has already given me so many memories that I cherish and this will be the cherry on top.
Poor Elizabeth!! She had to wear an eye patch on the way to Colorado because on Wednesday (the day before we left) her brother poked her in the eye and scratched her eye. She is on medicated eye drops until they run out. She's not too thrilled about it!

In the caboos are Taylor, Zach & Elizabeth. They had such a great time!

All of these little houses were donated to Tiny Town and are kept up by volunteers and the people who donate them. There are about 50 little houses here and they are all so creative!